Museo Casa di Dante

Third Floor


The last room will allow visitors to move from the private and domestic nature of the poet’s house to the outside world: today’s Florence. It is a way to step from the inside to the outside, from the past to the present, an invitation to go down into the streets to discover the corners of Dante’s city.

On the left wall, visitors can see a blow-up of a detail of the Madonna della Misericordia, a fresco of the Bigallo Museum, which represents Florence during Dante’s time.

By wearing Virtual Reality headsets, visitors will see a selection of the main buildings already existing in the Middle Ages and still recognizable to this day. Afterwards, they will move on to an all-around view of contemporary Florence, a return to the present that will invite them to reflect upon the historical value of the city’s buildings, many of which have survived through the centuries to come down to us.

Finally, a touch screen allows visitors to delve into the city’s visual evolution throughout the centuries, thanks to an evocative selection of panoramic views.


The boxroom is conceived as an invitation to visitors to rediscover Florence with fresh eyes, thanks to brand new itineraries following Dante’s footsteps. A touch station allows visitors to select one of three thematic paths available: “The Dante stones”, that will guide them through the streets of Florence hand in hand with the poet’s tercets, “The main religious buildings of Dante’s time” and “The public buildings of Dante’s Florence”. Once a path has been selected, a map of the city will display relevant points of interest along with in-depth contents: name, location, picture, short description and, if present, references to Dante’s poem. Everything you need to awaken the visitors’ curiosity and invite them to discover the great Poet through the streets he himself experienced.